Our 2023 Ofsted Report
Welcome to Warmington School
Warmington School is a small school with a big heart set in the delightful Northamptonshire village of Warmington, in the north-east of the county, between the beautiful market town of Oundle and the A1(M). We have five classes: Robins are our pre-school children who attend from 3 years and we make sure that they have lots of opportunities to work alongside the Hedgehogs to make moving up into the main school a happy and exciting time for them. Our Hedgehogs are 4 and 5 year olds, Foxes is for 5 to 7 year olds, Badgers for 7 to 9 year olds and Red Kites for 9 to 11 year olds.
Our School day begins at 8.45am. The children are registered before starting a morning of Numeracy and Literacy lessons. The whole school have morning break from 10.15-10.30am to separate the core lessons. Lunchtime begins at 12pm with afternoon registration at 1pm which signals the beginning of lessons in the wider curriculum: Science, Art, PE, RE, Computing, PSHE, and History and Geography. The pupils gather for a whole school assembly at 2.55pm and the school day ends at 3.15pm.
Life inside the school is busy and engaging for the children and outside they can let off steam and learn team skills on a super pirate ship, a playhouse, tyre park, climbing wall and trim trails, as well as a playing field for sport and games and The Zen Den. We also have an allotment where we grow vegetables and a wildlife area where we often see blue tits, chaffinches and blackbirds - and sometimes a green woodpecker comes to visit us, too!
What's special about our school - what do we do?
Ofsted in 2023 said that 'Pupils are happy at this small and welcoming school. They feel safe and know what to do if they have any worries. Pupils enjoy school and attend well. They say that teachers are kind and lessons are fun. Pupils are well supported to become confident and self-assured. They feel ready for their next steps.' The report also said that 'pupils behave well and know the school's rules and rewards. They enjoy celebrating their successes in the weekly certificate assembly. They understand the importance of being kind to others and respecting difference. Pupils value their friendships and say it is easy to make friends here.' We are all very proud of our pupils and our wonderful staff.
We make sure that everyone has a full and rounded educational experience with us - Hedgehogs, Foxes, Badgers and Red Kites have weekly French Lessons. Our teacher, Madame Kernick, lets us taste French food. In the Summer we go swimming at Oundle Pool. We have a specialist PE teacher, Mrs Ranson, who works with all the classes. At Warmington you can also learn a musical instrument, usually violin, guitar or cornet.
We play a lot of sport at school. Warmington School is a member of the Oundle and Thrapston Sports Partnership and we regularly take part in cross country, basketball, football, tag rugby, cricket and athletics events. We also take part in tennis organised by Oundle Tennis Club and cricket organised by Oundle Cricket Club. We have been awarded the Gold Mark for the quality of our Sports provision which is a wonderful achievement for our school.
We have a very active Parents and Friends Association which organises many events for children, parents and friends. The big events each year are the Christmas Fair and Disco and the Summer Fair, where the children traditionally participate in Maypole Dancing.
We are part of a Unity with Titchmarsh Church of England Primary School and Nassington School - we share lots of exciting events together including our trips to Cadbury World and residentials to Caythorpe Court and Govilon.
We hope you will take a few minutes to browse our website to find out more about our lovely school. Please make sure that you read our excellent Ofsted report from October 2023 where we were again judged as being a 'good' school. We are committed to ensuring that our school continues to flourish and develop, giving each and every pupil the chance to get the very most from their time with us so they are prepared for a happy, confident and successful life!
If you do need any further help or information, do not hesitate to get in touch - the 'Contact Us' page has all the details you will need! The best way, though, to find out about us is to come and see us at work. Contact us to make an appointment - we look forward to welcoming you to our fantastic school!
Lastly, Ofsted also said in 2023 that: 'Parents and carers are proud that their children attend this school. A comment typical of many stated 'This is a nurturing and supportive school for both children and parents. This school makes our school years, years of joy.'
We are sure that, once you visit us, you will feel the same. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Mr Ed Carlyle
Executive Headteacher

This Week at Warmington...
Hello everyone, Thank you for looking on our website and for supporting our school. NEW FOR THIS WEEK: Welcome to our website! We are delighted to welcome everyone to Warmington, whether it's your first visit to us...

We love Reading!
We are all very excited by all the Reading in school this term - so many exciting books being read in class with Foxes reading 'The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark', Badgers reading 'Pugs Of The Frozen North' and Red Kites reading...
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School Dates
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Information about the work and functions of our Governing Body is on this page.
Staying Safe
We believe that all children have a right to grow and learn in a safe and secure environment.
Visit this page to find everything you need to know and more about our Robins Pre-School!
Parent Group
Our relationships with our parents' group is second to none - why not find out who is your key contact?