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Welcome to Hedgehogs


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We are the Hedgehogs class and we are taught by Mrs Dunkley, supported by Mrs Cutajar and Miss Dunkley. We are the Reception class at Warmington School. Wednesdays are enriched with French lessons with Madame Kernick and PE with Mrs Ranson!

You can follow our learning journey by visiting our class blog:

On Wednesdays, children will attend school in their PE kits.

This term, our topic is called "People Who Help Us" where we will be exploring a range of different occupations such as the fire service, Police service, paramedics and many more. We are also hoping for a visit from our local fire service.  Keep your eye on the class blog for the photos.

We will also explore the following special occasion Chinese New Year.

In Phonics, we will follow the Read Write Inc scheme - this will make a huge difference in helping your child to begin to blend and read.

In Maths we will learn more and less, mass and capacity.

Our class texts will be linked to people who help us in the community.

You can find out about the term ahead by reading our Curriculum Newsletter below.